8. Instagram Stories
Learn how to make exciting stories on Instagram and how to be more creative with Instagram. A fun day.
It’s 12.13 but my morning activities have in part related to my Instagram Stories project as I have been out for my daily walk and taken some photos. I am wildly assuming there is a limit to what I can create with Instagram Stories so today will be a short project day. I just want to explore ways to make my Instagram and some of my mobile phone photos more exciting. How hard can that be …
It’s 7.11 pm. I had NO IDEA the extent of Instagram Stories and the possibilities. To my surprise, there are significantly more ways to use Instagram Stories than I ever could have imagined. I did end up getting a bit bogged down with stickers and effects but I found out a lot of fun things, including a ridiculously simple way to create polls and questions and what a boomerang is and how much fun can be had creating one with all the effects. But, really, the revelation was a throwaway comment from a vlogger about an app, Canva. Thanks to Canva, I now have my lockdown days filled for the next few months, and more if necessary.
My Instagram Story below, while not exemplary in many respects (I discovered Canva after many hours of experimenting with Instagram so the selecting of photos and effects had worn a little thin) is something I am impressed and amazed with myself for creating. However, the link below contains my audio, not the birdsong soundtrack I was able to put with it from Instagram. I love that you can use a huge catalogue of music within Instagram Stories. I also added some text within Stories, which doesn’t display here.
For my next project, a day without too much screen time, reading magazines I have piled up and not yet read.