Having stenoed chapter 36 this morning, another pre-blog chapter written, I have just worked out that my August target of writing 15 chapters has been achieved, with half the month still to go. That means there are only four more chapters to write and then the steno element of this writing process will be finished and it’ll be time to edit each chapter. A lot. I am fully expecting the time spent editing/typing within each chapter will be longer than the original stenoing of the chapter. After editing a few chapters, I will investigate the submission process for trying to find an agent. I have been through this process before with another of the books I’ve written, to no avail. I am not, to put it mildly, looking forward to the rejections.
Chapter 36 was about shaving all my hair off for charity. The fundraising process, the baldness and the awareness it gave me was extraordinary. It also made me realise, thinking about it, how the older I become in terms of my decades, the fewer objects provide my memory triggers; it’s more places, food, events. I have left my steno out in case chapter 37 can be squeezed out. I think it’s easier to write more now because the end of my first big hurdle, actually getting it all down, is very much in sight.
Just before shaving Just after shaving