Day 17. Writing chapter 19 of 40 Patches

I have moved furniture around, tried and failed to repair my coffee maker (but impressed by how much I assembled and reassembled), met a friend for a drink, been out with Chris for coffee, done two washes … it’s now 5.25pm and neither my blog, my chapter or work for my job tomorrow have been done.  And I am knackered.

Today’s chapter, 19, is about posters, particularly those I had up in my student accommodation at Reading University’s Sherfield Hall, and it is also about my student life, which was between ages 19 and 22. Perhaps beer and alcopops would better sum up my university days, or friends or, hey, even my degree.  But I think posters and pictures adorning my walls represent my room and my room represented me at the time, kind of.  It’s a stretch, this one, though I do actually still have pictures haphazardly stuck to my walls now, not just framed pictures.