270. Is the Grass Greener? Driving south for Christmas in Storm Pia

Saturday 23 December 2023

How on earth is it Christmas Day on Monday, in two days? I am back in London, hoping to be able to have Christmas as planned at my mum’s. I feel fine from Covid but will test again tomorrow and mum and I will make a decision about my staying there.

I drove from Scotland to London on Thursday, in the midst of Storm Pia. The drive wasn’t too bad considering it rained almost all the way and I could feel wind buffeting the car. I’d really wanted to drive that day as I knew it’d be busier on the roads Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Door to door, it took about seven-and-a-half hours, including two stops and filling up with diesel back in Lewisham. I listened to music the whole way day, occasionally singing along with my Covid-gravelly novelty voice.

I felt sad about leaving Scotland for Christmas as there had been snow forecast for Christmas Day … now I see it’s been downgraded to rain. The day we’re planning on driving back is forecast to be cold and sunny, which would be great. When I set off on Thursday 21st, it was very stormy, really noisy wind in trees and rain battering against the windows, especially the Velux. I did a quick walk around the house before I left. The only incident was that our heavy, 1,300 litre (empty; yet to be installed) water butt had blown over. It was too windy, and anyway it’s very heavy, to stand it up again but I figured it would more likely blow over and cause damage if it were standing up. I don’t think it can roll too far lying on its side. There is a lot more potential for storm damage to a house in rural Scotland than a flat in a block in London.

I put some lights up in Scotland and one string of lights in London, but I went to the New Covent Garden Flower Market yesterday and bought some eucalyptus and cut flowers and a few amaryllis bulbs. There are now five vases of flowers and foliage and the lights. But it doesn’t feel particularly Christmassy, and neither do I. I’m hoping to get my Christmas mojo back for next year.

I don’t know why this year has felt so unchristmassy, though I haven’t done any of my usual Christmas things, meeting my friend Bev at the same restaurant we always go to in Blackheath, karaoke and a few drinks/meals with other friends. Covid hasn’t helped but even before then I wasn’t on board with it all. Even my mum requested we downsize Christmas this year, so I don’t think it’s just me feeling a bit curmudgeonly. I have, however, been enjoying Christmas puddings and trashy Christmas films. Presents are wrapped, most cards (on a much reduced basis) were sent before I went to Qatar and I suppose I’m sort of ready.