231. Is the Grass Greener? A new-ish approach to chores

Tuesday 24 October 2023

We have a new loo seat. I’m not sure I have ever bought a loo seat before. Modern toilet seats are not built to withstand much; the lid of the one that was new when we moved in had snapped at the hinge and wasn’t possible to repair. I am trying to do small chores this week. As I look out the kitchen window from our dining table, I can see that the bird feeder is empty. That’s the kind of small chore I want to clear up today, filling the bird feeder. My plan is to have productive breaks from writing, doing chores around tea/coffee breaks. As I did yesterday too, I also want to have a long walk, in part to appreciate the autumn colours but also to talk through some issues with my writing. Yes, talking out loud, full chat-volume, to myself.

This approach to chores might not work out but I know it’s easier to do here than a flat in London. Everything is much more compact in the flat and the rooms are in a row which, to me at least, makes it less exciting and varied to wander around getting stuff done. It also feels like it’s exercise here because the house is more spaced out and there are stairs. I love having stairs again. However, that’s obviously not something exclusive to moving from London/city to Scottish Borders/rural.

The wash I hung out in the frost yesterday morning and for the duration of the fairly chilly but barely-a-breeze day did not dry well, as anticipated. Today it’s forecast to rain, so the likelihood of the wash drying today is also slim. I read something yesterday about the most effective means of drying clothing indoors without too much dampness; dehumidifiers were most definitely the top recommendation. We are currently exploring the option of air to air heaters (the air con/heating units I only really associate with holidays; the ugly external pump-box and internal blowing unit), which also serve as dehumidifiers so they could be a double win. Or, most likely, they’ll be too expensive, too unattractive and/or too challenging to install with the configuration of our house.

Washing hanging out and new 1,300 litre water butt and trench to eventually connect it to overflow

I am now poised for productivity and all-round greatness throughout the day.