Friday 18 August 2023
I did some strimming yesterday, just after the sun finally came out at around 17:00. I still have slightly shaky arms and hands, despite taking lots of breaks. There is something ridiculously satisfying about strimming, I just wish the vibrations and weight of the long not-Strimmer-strimmer didn’t result in forearm aches and shaky hands.
My Fitbit made me go out for longer than I would have done without it. That is exactly what I hoped would happen. As with every time I go out, no matter the weather, I was happy to be outdoors. So far, I’ve done just under 4,000 steps, most of which probably took place while I’ve been moving furniture and rugs and vacuuming rather than walking. I will go out later though.

Only a plan since yesterday – I like a bit of last minute planning – my friend Su is popping by with her husband and daughter on their way slowly up to Thurso. I don’t think anyone has ever popped by when I’ve lived in London – oh no, that’s a slight lie, my friend Angela often drives past on her way home from early shifts at the BBC in central London; she has popped in a few times. Anyway, that ruins my story somewhat. But the detour to visit our Scottish house is far greater than Angela turning about 200m off her route home. If all goes to plan, they should be arriving at around 14:00. If the weather forecast is right, it will have started raining roughly about then.
My friend Carla is driving up for the weekend tomorrow – the first person who’s coming for a second visit – and I have done my usual trick of making a mess (ie taking everything out and dumping it in the middle of the room) in order to tidy up. There is no way I will finish my work for today and get the room put back before Su and Will arrive. However, there’s nothing like a deadline to make me get more done, so there’s sort of hope it’ll look better by the time they arrive.
I also need to go to B&Q again as I need more paint before Sunday. So that might be my Friday night sorted, a trip to B&Q before it closes at 20:00.
Right, I have two hours to finish some other work and make the living room more presentable. I have at least finished painting the Indian Room/annex room, with the exception of the tricky Velux area which needs the paint which I need to go to B&Q to buy.