Tuesday 18 July 2023
Today’s weather forecast in Scottish Borders is between 7°C and 13°C with sunrise at 04:54 and sunset at 21:41. First light was at 02:34 and nightfall will be at 00:02.
In Lewisham, the temperature is between 14°C and 23°C with sunrise at 05:04 and sunset at 21:07. First light was at 03:18 and nightfall will be at 22:53.
Every time I go to bed in Scotland, I can’t help but comment A that it’s still so light and B how on earth it’s possible that in a few months it will be so dark.
The water tank yesterday was full. No midge attacks due to it being fairly windy. I hung out a wash, which we only had to bring in once because of rain. All washing dried from the wind rather than the heat. I took some photographs of the front and back garden, in part to identify some of the plants and what I should do with them over winter. The garden is looking good, especially considering we’ve done minimal gardening, just a bit of weeding and trimming. The grass, however, is far too long and I’m getting fed up of wet shoes every time I walk across the grass.

Today, we have descendants of the original tenants and, later, owners of this house coming to visit. I plan to bake a cake, which is not a common occurrence, though neither is having visitors we have never met who are interested in the house rather than us!
Yesterday, possibly in part because I turned the WiFi off my phone and laptop for most of the day, I got a lot done. I barely went outdoors though, which is very unusual for me. I checked the water tank and as a result of its being full again, had another evening bath. We have been in the habit of preserving water for months now. There is kind of no point preserving it now because when the tank is full, the spring water just runs out into the ground so is essentially wasted. We are now feeling bad about not somehow collecting it. The long-range weather forecast, however, does not suggest drought conditions in Scotland for the rest of 2023, far from it.