Saturday 17 June 2023

The temperature around Selkirk today is between 8°C and 20°C, sunrise at 04:30 and sunset at 21:56. Around Lewisham, the temperature is forecast to be between 14°C and 24°C with sunrise at 04:41 and sunset at 21:19. My train from Euston got in to Lockerbie shortly before 22:30 last night and I arrived home at around 23:15. Euston was nowhere near as bad as I expected, though no element of it was fun or cool. Somehow, no one sat next to me the whole way up despite two reservations coming up at different stations. My carriage was also cold, very cold by the time we were about an hour from Lockerbie. Apparently, another couple of carriages had no air conditioning so passengers from those carriages were advised to move to the cold carriages. Still no one sat next to me, and I didn’t even have anything taking up the seat next to me. I have taken this as a positive, but there must have been a reason no one tried to sit next to me!
By the time I arrived home, I could still easily see without a torch despite it being 23:15. The longer daylight hours are noticeable up here now, ditto the cooler, more comfortable evenings, and indeed cooler day time. It’s good to be back in Scottish Borders.
It is Chris’s birthday today. We (meaning “I”) only have dinner booked, nothing planned for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, however, we are going to the Borders Book Festival to listen to Gordon Brown talking and to watch The Fun Lovin’ Crime Writers performing. Yes, really, it’s a band formed of crime writers, with Val McDermid on lead vocals.
I got up this morning at around 06:00, deciding to make use of the fact I’m not sleeping much after about 04:00. I am already feeling it might be nap time soon and it’s not quite 07:00.
I have yet to address the water issue, though Chris assures me the water level is still high and is a realistic amount reduced from where it was full. He still hasn’t seen the neighbour to find out how we now have a fairly full tank of water.
I was only in London for three nights but I impressed myself with uncharacteristic focus about doing the things I wanted and needed to do as well as some bonus extras. I was also quite impressed with how much I managed to carry back here, ranging from clothes to ingredients and a watering can.
Driving later than usual last night, I was slightly worried about animals in the road. I saw four hares, one rabbit, three frogs (only one of which may not have made it across the road) and a mesmerising number of moths illuminated in my headlights. The moths were like some kind of trippy dance video of lights flying towards me. I didn’t see a single other vehicle on the road.
I might brave the midges and check out the water tank now. Even with the water paranoias and concerns, it is good to be back in this peaceful house with a lovely cool downstairs.