Friday 2 June 2023
It is a beautiful sunny day and it is now June, thus officially summer. I have hung out a wash and the washing machine is on again. I feel a mild sense of hope that the water situation has settled a bit, though it’s far from resolved. It is also a relief that water is still coming in from the spring, though I will be very happy when we have rain. Today was the day I was going to have to go to a laundrette if there didn’t seem to be enough water for a washing machine run. I don’t think I have ever been more enthusiastic about using a washing machine before.
We are currently bidding on a few items in the Peebles auction. I have just checked the live online auction and seen the handsome, original Raleigh Chopper with a guide price of £130-£350 go for £620. I’d quite liked the idea of that Chopper. It even had original tyres and was purple. Oo, I’ve just noticed that we have won one thing, an unusually large wooden box with a guide price of £10 to £25, which we have secured for £12. Nice. Other things include some small picture frames, a few rugs, small bookcases and a Dictaphone set, which I only want because I have some old micro cassettes I want to listen to and the set comes with a handheld player/recorder.

An hour or so ago, I sat on my beanbag in the corner of my study in the warmth of the sun and read a bit more of the book I’m currently reading. I also had a power nap. My best napping is done in the warmth of the sun. I now feel unexpectedly holiday-y. However, I have a shed-load to do today that I am very slow to get going with. Next up is going to be a salad lunch sitting outdoors and another check on the water level in the tank.
This morning, I ordered some midge-related items, including a front door fly screen, some mesh for windows and even a couple of those ridiculous-looking head covers. I am well aware that there will be at least a few days in summer when we won’t really be able to go out because of the midges. I hope it’s overkill to get the face and head covering. I have also ordered some DEET, which I don’t really like but which I figure might be useful for spraying on clothes when all else fails. Yesterday, having been bitten multiple times the three or so days before, I had on some of that Avon Skin So Soft moisturising oil that is apparently a good midge deterrent, as well as Smidge, and I didn’t get bitten. I resent that bitey things like me.
The Peebles auction has now finished and we have placed successful bids on the box, two rugs, twenty-ish small, square picture frames and the Dictaphone set. It seems we are slowly but surely covering our walls and floors.