Wednesday 24 May 2023

So far, we have WiFi, water, hot and cold water in the shower and all seems to be working well. Chris, Annie, Tony and I went to Selkirk for coffee and to look around, stopping on the way to pet the Clydesdale horses, then we all walked around Ettrick Marshes. Chris and Tony stayed at the hide while Annie and I went on a walk through the forest. As usual, we saw no other people. However, we did see some incredible hornet nests. And – a real treat – two golden eagles! Tony has been crowned bird man for bird knowledge, and for spotting that they definitely weren’t ‘just’ buzzards. For once, we had binoculars and all spent ten or more minutes tracking the eagles. Felt incredibly privileged. Even at the distance they were (mainly circling very high up), they dove towards the opposite hills a few times. Extraordinary. Tony and Chris wrote that we had spotted two golden eagles on the board in the hide. I bet people who go there won’t believe it, I think there are a lot of false sightings of golden eagles. Annie tried to take a photo through the binoculars but it didn’t work out.

When we got home, after a rest, I made two of three dinner dishes, Annie doing the third. We had Afghan food, which worked out really well: a lamb, carrot and sultana pilaf; an aubergine mash of sorts and; a comprehensive salad. As ever, great to have a big table and to be able to sit around chatting all evening with two friends. Today, we’re heading to Edinburgh and hopefully meeting another friend, Ciaran, for dinner.

Not relevant to the differences between London and Scottish Borders, but it is so much easier having friends to visit here. We have more space, a dining table and we now have four chairs in the living room. The four of us have been sitting in the living room after dinner, enjoying a whisky on the grounds of our being in Scotland.