
186. Is the Grass Greener? Humidity, tree felling, foals, butchers and teal paint

Friday 11 August 2023 The water supply is currently good, very few midges around, extractor fan mouse hasn’t been eating through the fan and all seems kind of okay. Yesterday, it looked like autumn, grey, but it was 23°C and more humid than I’ve ever known it up here. It was the number one small-talk

186. Is the Grass Greener? Humidity, tree felling, foals, butchers and teal paint Read More »

185. Is the Grass Greener? Killer weasels on the rampage

Thursday 10 August 2023 Yesterday morning at 05:40, I left London for Scottish Borders, stopping once for a stretch and coffee near Retford and two wandering-about stop-offs, Barnard Castle and Kirkby Stephen, arriving back at our house in Scotland at around 14:45. I am still tired and not acclimatised to the significant drop in temperature,

185. Is the Grass Greener? Killer weasels on the rampage Read More »

184. Is the Grass Greener? Significantly higher step-count in London than Scotland

Monday 7 August 2023 I keep thinking how many more friends I see when I’m staying in London. It’s true, I do. But it’s not a reflection of how it was when I lived here. In the week I’ve been back in London, I have seen six friends (planned) and my mum, all separate meet-ups

184. Is the Grass Greener? Significantly higher step-count in London than Scotland Read More »

183. Is the Grass Greener? A day of catching up with friends, planned and unplanned

Saturday 5 August 2023 Today is largely all about the rain, lots of it, forecast more in London and southeast than Scotland. This has scuppered my friend Fiona and I having a long walk and picnic. We are instead meeting up in Rochester, Kent. I feel less bothered by rain than I perhaps used to,

183. Is the Grass Greener? A day of catching up with friends, planned and unplanned Read More »