Sunday 22 January 2023
No alarms went off yesterday, for the third consecutive night the mouse didn’t leave its single dropping and some shards of plastic fan beneath the plastic fan, we just about kept warm by being wrapped in woollen blankets and there were no slips or falls in the snow or ice. And I think the three of us had a very enjoyable day, out in the sun and remnants of snow.
We checked the wildlife cameras yesterday, mainly stills and videos of the three of us wandering around the garden, but one hare sighting (not the best quality) and one camera triggered quite a few times. One day, something exciting, surely, will take place in front of the camera and be captured on camera.
Having a visitor has reenforced how much we love this area and the house, though we’d love it more if we could get it warm, which we could if we kept the heating on for 24 hours and could set the thermostat to a higher temperature. The former is not possible because of the cost of electricity and the latter, the electrician has said he doesn’t think it’ll make much difference.
Kyla heads home tomorrow afternoon and we go to London on Wednesday, either for a week or, in my case, a bit longer as there is a very slim chance I might be going to India for a few days of work, but I suspect that is unlikely. I am already looking forward to not being cold and having more efficient and predictable hot water. But, while Kyla and I were walking through the woodland behind the house later afternoon yesterday, she commented on the fresh air and I had a flash of the busy, noisy, dirty, polluted main road that cuts through Lewisham and which we live very close to. It’s a circular conundrum for me though, I much prefer the air and the scenery here but I like the ease of having a social life, shopping and walking in any weather in London. But right now, I’m glad to be at the house in Scotland with Chris and Kyla and spending time appreciating where we all are.